A Peer Reviewed International Research Journal
Maître-Assistant en Psychopédagogie des APS
Institut National de la Jeunesse et des Sports (INJS) d’Abidjan.
Homosexuality in a university
environment is treated differently depending on the social environment
in which it is the subject of reflection. The existence of homosexual
practices and its extent at the National Institute of Youth and Sports
(INJS) in Abidjan were the subject of a study with the aim of knowing
what students think of this phenomenon. A sample of size 982 was
chosen randomly from 9320 students, with a sex ratio of 1.91, an
average age of 25.88 years (Standard deviation = 4.38), the extremes
ranging from 18 years to 34 years. A questionnaire made it possible to
collect data on their knowledge of homosexuality, the existence of the
phenomenon and its extent within the institution. Both qualitative and
quantitative analysis of the data made it possible to prove that
students have a good understanding of homosexuality, and its practice
exists within this institution. The present study concluded that
homosexual students represent between 01.42% and 08.13% of the
population of 9320 students in 2024.
Homosexuality, sexual orientation, academia, INJS of Abidjan.
Cite the article: Edi, A. J. (2025). Homosexualité en milieu universitaire, une réalité silencieuse vue par les étudiants de l’Institut National de la Jeunesse et des Sports d’Abidjan [Homosexuality in a university environment, a silent reality seen by students of the National Institute of Youth and Sports of Abidjan]. International Journal of Law, Education, Social and Sports Studies (IJLESS), 12(1), 24–34.
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